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Is Forex trading easy or difficult?


It is more that easy, it has become something ordinary nowadays. You see, to trade forex is not risky anymore. Please mind that to make money on forex, you need a forex broker with extensive experience and good financial results. I recommend to start with that resource and check the info about daily chart forex. Also, you can constantly receive stocks trading tips. This will minimize your risks and increase your earning opportunities.


It is a difficult journey for everyone.

I am a certified full time trader for currencies, commodities and stock indices. I started trading after a college degree in Finance, MBA in Marketing and Masters in Economics, all with scholarships and awards.

I was being fully supported by my husband when I was trying my luck with trading. I would not have been able to survive otherwise. Year after year I failed in my trading endeavors. That is, despite having very in-depth knowledge of Finance & Economics, having no finances to worry about. Also being a very persistent and highly driven person.


I intended to attempt bitcoin trading recently, but I didn’t know when and how the price was going up. But fortunately, I have came across a wonderful internet site and buy ripple with debit card that allowed me to do so. Now I always make the living money and I don’t refuse. Everybody, I suggest it.