Foren » General » Important things about life and health


I'm sorry if I'm off-topic, but in my 18 years, I've learned a lot of important things about life. My father works as a doctor in a city hospital. During the pandemic, he puts himself in danger and at risk every day and the whole family is afraid for him. He is in a high risk group and I am afraid of losing him...


That is true! All the doctors who keep on risking their lives, every single day, during these really tough times, they are the true superheroes of the real world! They do deserve a lot of respect, just like firemen or policemen, even though the doctors are way more exposed right now. My wife's brother is also working as a doctor, and he is kind of afraid that he would die and leave his family alone. That is exactly why he was so interested in the life insurance rate chart by age. Recently he has filled in for it.