Foren » General » How to clean an Indian Sandstone patio?


Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can give me some advice, please. I recently had an Indian sandstone patio laid out. Anyway, I restarted the recordings, but since I've never done this before, I was pretty dirty. The dirt you see on the tiles is tough and general dirt that I always assumed I would eventually be able to wash away. I scrubbed with warm soap and water, used a mixture of 6-2 bleach, and now tried undiluted bleach, sat on the stains for 45 minutes and scrubbed, then washed off, but the stains are still there. I obviously stay away from acids, but does anyone have any advice on how I can get rid of these traces, they are on almost every stove.


Maybe you shoud have been let it for more time, like one day?


Oh, your situation is really hard. I had something similar, and even my mother, which is a professional in cleaning couldn't help me, we have tried CIF, ace and a lot of chemical solutions, but I failed, my only solution was to use Services of professional cleaning. So I could get rid of this kind of marks. So now my house is in a better condition, because usually I don't have enough time to clean every single cm, but I want in my house to be clean. The atmosphere in the house proportionally depends on how clean it is. In all, the place where we live influence on our health, so be attentive.


Oh, your situation is really hard. I had something similar, and even my mother, which is a professional in cleaning couldn't help me, we have tried CIF, ace and a lot of chemical solutions, but I failed, my only solution was to use Services of professional cleaning. So I could get rid of this kind of marks. So now my house is in a better condition, because usually I don't have enough time to clean every single cm, but I want in my house to be clean. The atmosphere in the house proportionally depends on how clean it is. In all, the place where we live influence on our health, so be attentive. But how much time did you let ace stay on the surface?


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