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How long does the average kitchen renovation take?


It can take anywhere from several days to weeks to change a kitchen. It all depends on how far you want to take things and whether or not you’re doing it yourself or hiring a contractor.

If you’re looking to paint and “spruce” it up, it can take a matter of days two weeks, depending upon your schedule.

If you’re looking to replace cabinets, move plumbing (sink location), gas (stove location), lighting, etc., it can take you several weeks or even months. It all depends upon how much you have done before you hire a contractor.

I’d recommend doing all of the legwork prior to hiring a contractor. Know what you want and how long it will take to order items (lead-times). This way, a contractor will be able to give you a more reasonable estimate (rather than shooting from the hip), and you’ll have more exacting pricing and timelines.


Do you have idea of kitchen renovation process? The thing is that it can be pretty challenging. Still, I am sure that thanks to Fittra Construction, one of the best home building companies uk, you can make your dream come true. In addition, their prices will pleasantly surprise you. Hope it cam help. Cheers