Foren » General » Hotel presentation to attract investors


White screen and no idea where to start and how to design. Any tips or recommendations on where to start?


I think you need to start by answering the following questions: -the customer problem you are solving; why the existing solution options are not enough; -what you offer, the unique advantages and benefits to the client; -the market in which you operate, its volume, growth and level of competition; -The business model - how you are earning or planning; -current results -Key members of your team (CEO, CTO and CMO); experience and competencies -Development plans, needs and offerings for whoever you are presenting to.


Since most of the information is numbers, investor presentation design should be dominated by infographics that allow for a structured and accessible display of such content. I suggest taking a template from Loveslides and customizing it to suit your needs. But I think I've seen a ready-made template for a hotel on this resource. And otherwise, I completely agree with the comment above. Take into account all these points, properly structure the information and you will be at the top level.