Foren » General » His Most Famous Painting (The Entry of Christ Into Brussels) - James Ensor


The inception of caricature drawing being an art took place long back history. Surviving the trysts of time, this art has captured the interest of millions. caricature painting Actually, it's possible to trace the origin of the art in the some of the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci-the genius who loved portraying people who have deformities. However, caricature can also be said to have emerged through the satires of the late fifteenth century. caricature painting Though political in nature, these satires struck instant popularity with the people.

These years witnessed the growth of periodicals by some of the well-known writers of the time.'The Tatler and the Spectator'is one instance where contemporary social and political figures were mentioned and their antics caricatured not merely to evoke laughter but and to arouse general consciousness. caricature painting However, most historians credit Annibale Carracci of Bologna with the inception of caricatures. His theory of "una bella, perfetta deformità," vividly illustrates his preference for the antithesis of beauty in all his works.

Traveling quite a distance through history, caricatures have found a brand new lease of life in the hands of modern artists. caricature painting Modern caricature artists have started focusing their energies to a wholly new business concept- caricatures being used as a gifting option! Yes! That's what the artists do for you. They devote their outstanding capability to portray the caricature of your choice on any article you desire- be it a coffee mug, a pillow cover, calendar, as well as your bedroom walls. Because of improved technologies, these gifts are now actually digitally crafted to create your gift even more alluring. Blessed with impeccable genius, caricature painting these artists can draw around twenty caricatures within an hour!

Who would have dreamt that caricatures could be properly used in this unique fashion! caricature painting More than whatever else in the contemporary scenario, the art of caricature drawing has received a boost on account of the popularity of caricature gifts. This does not imply that this excellent art has lost its erstwhile purpose- the goal of wooing individuals to its notion.


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"I really love caricature paintings. And, actually, did you know that those paintings became popular in the 16th and 17 the century and were created to ridicule politicians and public figures. However, I really love James Enor's art, especially his later works. I even got a canvas print from Canvaspop , with his My Dead Mother painting. It reminds me that we should do everything possible to spend as much with our relatives! OH, I almost forgot, I have flowers and vegetables over my kitchen wall, as well."