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Everything We've Learned In The Epic V Apple Trial So Far

The Epic v Apple trial currently taking place has big implications, but it's already been a treasure trove of inside information about Epic Games.

A clash of industry titans is taking place inside a California district courtroom. Epic Games Inc. v Apple Inc. is ongoing. The case is estimated to take place over three weeks, with the hearing taking place daily Mondays through Thursdays from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM PT / 11:30 AM to 4:30 PM ET สล็อต

So far both sides have presented their opening arguments and Tim Sweeney has testified, and already we've seen lots of interesting revelations through various pieces of evidence submitted at the trial. Check below for all of the updates we've received so far. Check out how to follow along with the trial if you'd like to hear the proceedings yourself, and for background on how we got here, read our primer on the Epic v Apple suit.