Foren » General » Creating a website for a local business


What is the best website builder for a small business? I’m in the process of starting up a business and I’m planning on creating my own website. What I’m most concerned with is making my site look professional and driving traffic to it.

I’ve heard good things about Wordpress so I checked it out but I’m hesitant to go through with it because of the cost.

It costs $300 (25/month) for a business plan. It’s not that it’s too expensive, but I’m trying to avoid paying so much upfront if that’s a possibility. However, if it’s worth it, I’ll definitely do it.


When I decided to build a website for business I hired pro devs to save my time and money. I found financial software development company with years of experience in software dev. They build a website at competitive price. I'm so glad that I found them.