Foren » General » An employer from forex broker scammed me. How do I report scam brokers?


An employer from forex broker scammed me. How do I report scam brokers?


Sorry to hear about that. But unfortunately such things happen more often that you can even imagine. Still, there is nothing impossible nowadays and I guess I can help you. I advise to apply to that resource full of different reviews of forex brokers like that eurotrader reviews plus containing full of useful information and a detailed guide how to act under such conditions. You see, more and more people safe from scammers and such companies know for sure how to act in order to return your money. Simply give them a try.


An employer from forex broker scammed me. How do I report scam brokers?

Investigate the broker’s licensing and know who their regulator is. Look for reputable people in the forex community recommending brokers. Unfortunately, searching for reviews from random people is unlikely to be helpful. Look for obvious signs of a scam such as someone who says that you are likely to make money, someone who says they’ll make trades for you, or someone who says that most people make money with forex. Avoid anything with the word “binary” in it like the plague. Look very closely at the broker’s policy on negative balances.