Foren » Discussions » What techniques do you use to incorporate SEO into your content?


One of the interview questions for content writers that tests your understanding of on-page SEO strategies and Google algorithms is this one. Thus, understanding the complexities of SEO is crucial.

The following are some on-page SEO tactics that content authors have to be aware of:

The content of a particular page can be illustrated with the help of meta tags. However, remember that they do not count against the total word count.

Keyword density - Keywords are the content's foundation. In order to raise the readability rating of your material, you should be able to naturally incorporate keywords into it. Also keep in mind that the keyword density should be kept between 2% and 6%.

Even the most seasoned content writers may make mistakes with the URL structure. Always use short URLs that are incorporated with relevant keywords in content. This makes it simple for search engines to find them.

Body Tags - The importance of headers in a given piece of material cannot be understated. Headings H1 and H2 divide the information into pertinent sections.