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What does a warehouse consultant do? Warehouse consultants have an extensive range of experience applicable to nearly all aspects of warehousing operations. Some of the topics for which businesses seek advice from this field include: - Layout design and space planning - Inventory management and control - Warehouse automation - Construction management - Project management - Business process improvement - Customer service techniques - globalization and related issues The wide scope of services that can be offered by a warehousing consultant goes far beyond the previously listed services.

A warehouse consultant is a valuable asset for a company seeking to maximize its operational efficiencies. Many entrepreneurs start out by stocking the appropriate number of shelves, racks, and containers in their warehouse, but many are surprised at the amount of space that they actually have when they open their doors. A warehouse consultant has access to modern technology that can measure the room size and determine the optimal number of shelves, racks, and containers be installed. In many cases, the results of such measurements can double or even triple the current size of the warehouse.

Warehousing Consulting is also a great way to reduce your operational costs. Warehouses tend to be very expensive to run and maintain and storing products on-site can add significantly to the operating costs of a business. Furthermore, the additional space that is gained as a result of the installation of proper shelving, racks, and containers can be used as storage space for excess stock, products that are not moving quickly, or to create additional space for future expansion. Consultants are experienced in all of these matters and are in the best position to determine which systems and shelving will work best for your operation. Many companies have already found these services to be extremely beneficial.