Foren » Discussions » What are Some of the Latest Trends in Backlink-Building Strategies?


The digital marketing landscape is always evolving, and so are the SEO trends. So, it is essential to stay updated with the changing SEO strategies and stand out from the competition. Learning about backlink building strategies is one of the most effective parts of running a successful SEO campaign. Let's get to know what new trends to keep your eyes on for backlink building that can boost your online visibility.

Prioritizing quality over quantity

The search engine leader, Google, conducts frequent changes to its algorithm. So, it emphasizes Expertise, trustworthiness, and authoritativeness. Hence, search engines are now putting more priority on quality over quantity. So, one of the key backlink building strategies is to build links from authoritative sources available in your niche that can put more significance on your website ranking over getting a large number of low-quality links.

Make content-led link-building for a diverse audience.

While publishing articles and blogs is a go-to way of backlink building, you should engage in content-led link building. It helps with creating various content forms such as videos, infographics, and various interactive content. All these contents will attract a more diverse audience base to your brand, which means more high-quality backlinks earning opportunities.

Collaborate with influencers

Collaborating with influencers now goes beyond just social media usage. Get influencers who work within your industry to get you natural and authoritative backlinks. You can check out their websites and mutually benefit from link-building through authoritative publications.

Make maximum use of brand mentions.

Google algorithms have become highly intelligent and can now track brand mentions without having hyperlinks. So, reach out to sites that have mentioned your brand to make your backlink building strategies fruitful.

Many SEO marketers may consider generating more content or mending the broken backlinks are the most crucial part of link-building strategies. But you need to be more revolutionary than that in the current scenario to appear more relevant to search results on various digital platforms. These are some of the latest trends in backlinking for a successful SEO campaign. How do you see them fitting your strategies? Contact SEO Resellers Canada to learn about backlink building strategies.