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An organization designing a hybrid, load balanced, single cluster production environment. Due to performance service level agreement goals, it is looking into running the Mule applications in an active-active multi node cluster configuration.
What should be considered when running its Mule applications in this type of environment?
Answer: C
Organization wants to achieve high availability goal for Mule applications in customer hosted runtime plane.
Due to the complexity involved, data cannot be shared among of different instances of same Mule application.
What option best suits to this requirement considering high availability is very much critical to the organization?
Answer: B
High availability is about up-time of your application
A) High availability can be achieved only in CloudHub isn't correct statement. It can be achieved in customer hosted runtime planes as well B) An object store is a facility for storing objects in or across Mule applications. Mule runtime engine (Mule) uses object stores to persist data for eventual retrieval. It can be used for disaster recovery but not for High Availability. Using object store can't guarantee that all instances won't go down at once. So not an appropriate choice.
A project team uses RAML specifications to document API functional requirements and deliver API definitions. As per the current legal requirement, all designed API definitions to be augmented with an additional non-functional requirement to protect the services from a high rate of requests according to define service level agreements.
Assuming that the project is following Mulesoft API governance and policies, how should the project team convey the necessary non-functional requirement to stakeholders?
Answer: B
A new upstream API Is being designed to offer an SLA of 500 ms median and 800 ms maximum (99th percentile) response time. The corresponding API implementation needs to sequentially invoke 3 downstream APIs of very similar complexity. The first of these downstream APIs offers the following SLA for its response time: median: 100 ms, 80th percentile: 500 ms, 95th percentile: 1000 ms. If possible, how can a timeout be set in the upstream API for the invocation of the first downstream API to meet the new upstream API's desired SLA?
Answer: A
Before we answer this question , we need to understand what median (50th percentile) and 80th percentile means. If the 50th percentile (median) of a response time is 500ms that means that 50% of my transactions are either as fast or faster than 500ms.
If the 90th percentile of the same transaction is at 1000ms it means that 90% are as fast or faster and only 10% are slower. Now as per upstream SLA , 99th percentile is 800 ms which means 99% of the incoming requests should have response time less than or equal to 800 ms. But as per one of the backend API , their 95th percentile is 1000 ms which means that backend API will take 1000 ms or less than that for 95% of. requests.
As there are three API invocation from upstream API , we can not conclude a timeout that can be set to meet the desired SLA as backend SLA's do not support it.
Let see why other answers are not correct.
1) Do not set a timeout --> This can potentially violate SLA's of upstream API
2) Set a timeout of 100 ms; ---> This will not work as backend API has 100 ms as median meaning only 50% requests will be answered in this time and we will get timeout for 50% of the requests. Important thing to note here is, All APIs need to be executed sequentially, so if you get timeout in first API, there is no use of going to second and third API. As a service provider you wouldn't want to keep 50% of your consumers dissatisfied. So not the best option to go with.
To quote an example: Let's assume you have built an API to update customer contact details.
- First API is fetching customer number based on login credentials
- Second API is fetching Info in 1 table and returning unique key
- Third API, using unique key provided in second API as primary key, updating remaining details
Now consider, if API times out in first API and can't fetch customer number, in this case, it's useless to call API 2 and 3 and that is why question mentions specifically that all APIs need to be executed sequentially.
3) Set a timeout of 50 ms --> Again not possible due to the same reason as above Hence correct answer is No timeout is possible to meet the upstream API's desired SLA; a different SLA must be negotiated with the first downstream API or invoke an alternative API
What best describes the Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs), also known as DNS entries, created when a Mule application is deployed to the CloudHub Shared Worker Cloud?
Answer: D
Every Mule application deployed to CloudHub receives a DNS entry pointing to the CloudHub. The DNS entry is a CNAME for the CloudHub Shared Load Balancer in the region to which the Mule application is deployed. When we deploy the application on CloudHub, we get a generic url to access the endpoints. Generic URL looks as below:
<application-name>.<region>.cloudhub.io <application-name> is the deployed application name which is unique across all the MuleSoft clients. <region> is the region name in which an application is deployed.
public CloudHub (shared) load balancer already redirects these requests, where myApp is the name of the Mule application deployment to CloudHub: HTTP requests to http://myApp.
<region>.cloudhub.io redirects to
HTTPS traffic to https://myApp.<region>.cloudhub.io redirects to
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