Foren » Discussions » Traditional Rajasthan Tours


A country of imposing forts, lavish palaces, and a vivid tapestry of culture await you on a traditional Rajasthan tour. Discover the captivating towns of Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, and Bikaner, whose architectural marvels like the Amber Fort and City Palace transport you to an age of imperial rule. Immerse yourself in the melodic rhythms of traditional music and the pulsating beats of Rajasthani folk dances. Explore the crowded bazaars where you may get lost in a treasure trove of colourful fabrics, challenging crafts, and priceless jewellery. Experience the exhilaration of desert camel safaris as the golden sands spread out in front of you and create a mesmerising scene. Traditional Rajasthan tours provide visitors the chance to see the quaint beauty of rural communities where time appears to have stood still. Rajasthan's rich legacy is revealed step by step, imprinting your spirit forever.