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Let's talk about forex Have you ever tried to trade forex?


I would love to discuss this because it is a very important topic for me.


Hello guys. Any Forex traders here? I just started learning trading, and I am wondering if it's really possible to earn so much money thx to exchange market and stocks. I would like to know your opinion and to take some advices? I have some friends that are in a really good financial state, and they told me that they buying shares of different companies, investing, trading. I would really like to try, but I have absolutely no experience and I would like to know if this is real or is it just another deception? I have found a lot of reliable trading platforms like Fondex broker and I want to try but this is a big risk.


We can talk all day about the forex industry. I recently finished an investing course that I've found on I realized that this field is much more complex than I thought. It took me a lot of time and hard work to understand how everything works. But from my perspective, this course was worth it because now I can start making money, which was my number one goal when I started learning about the trading industry. What about you guys? Are you also so fascinated by trading?