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How do you set a freestyle project to be parameterized?
Answer: B
Which answer best describes continuous deployment?
Answer: A
Continuous deployment is an extension of continuous integration and continuous delivery. It's important to know the difference. Deployment indicated that the code is continuously deployed to production.
Which menu option do you select to add a pipeline or other project?
Answer: D
Selecting "New Item" from the dashboard will take you to menu where you can add a new project.
Which answer best describes continuous integration?
Answer: A
Continuous integration doesn't mean that software can or will be released or pushed to production continuously.
You're a DevOps engineer in charge of configuring Jenkins for your team's CI/CD pipeline. You're utilizing the Jenkins pipeline and the Jenkinsfile. You want to define a stage for your build that utilizes the locally installed Ant and build.xml in the root of your project repository. Which is the correct syntax?
Answer: D
The steps declarative must exist inside the corresponding stage. stage('build') { steps { sh 'ant -f build.xml -v' } }
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