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Accounting professions “in demand” in Australia 2016 (listed on the SOL and/or CSOL): Accountant/chartered accountant Tax administrator/tax specialist To meet its specific needs in this sector, Australian recruiters frequently call on Working Holiday Visa holders who have the required qualifications. Accounting professions are thus among Tax Accountants Melbourne the best paid jobs in WHV in Australia. How to become an accountant in Australia? Training in Australia: Bachelor of Business, the royal road To become an accountant in Australia, the most direct and secure route is to obtain a qualification recognized by CPA Australia (CPA = Certified Practicing Accountant). CPA Australia is one of three professional bodies regulating the accounting profession in Australia. If you follow a training course in Australia in an institution delivering a Bachelor of Business recognized by CPA Australia, then you will have every chance of being able to continue on a successful job search.


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