Foren » Discussions » Talking about exes on early dates?


An oldie but a goodie dating rule, for a reason: Talking about past relationships and breakups gets heavy fast, and the first few dates should be light and easy. Sure, finding out how someone's last few major relationships ended—and opening up about how yours did, too—is a great way to learn about the person and connect on a deeper level. But there's plenty of time for that later, so hold off for the first handful of dates.

If they bring up the ex convo, divert it with something like: "I’d be happy to tell you about that stuff when we get to know each other a little better, but for now I'm really enjoying hearing about XYZ."


I have one simple rule. I never shift responsibility when breaking up. We are both to blame so there is no regret. I move on and start exploring dating sites, check it out. New people, new meetings .. It distracts from bad thoughts. Once you just realize that you've started a new page .. that's the whole secret.