Foren » Discussions » Sump Pump Options


I have a sump pump in our house that is probably 25 years old. It still works but during a recent very heavy storm it cycled on/off for nearly 12 hours, with - at the worst - only 10 sec off time before pumping again. Thankfully it did the job; no water in the basement. However, this woke me up to the fact that it's time to install a new pump. I would like to get one that has a battery back-up to be safe. I've seen such pumps at HD


Hi, I also have a pump breakdown, and I'm looking for what I can do...


It seems like you had a perfect sump pump. It’s tough to find a sump pump today that might work perfectly for 25 years. Lately, I’ve been struggling with my sump pump drainer, and I just couldn’t handle it anymore. I really know nothing about sump pumps, and that is why I had to ask my friend for help, and he said that. I should pick a sump pump from this website since they have a list of the best sump pumps for pools. I went through the list and picked the best one.