Foren » Discussions » Social Media marketing and SEO


Can you use your social media or SEO to promote your business or is there a better way?


I tried to promote my site and I liked the result


Nowadays, we all live in the era of digital marketing. The methods of attracting public attention, typical of "old-school" marketing, have become perceived as too Intrusive. The modern consumer often ignores traditional advertising. Its "savvy" allows you to easily bypass the established channels of distribution of advertising messages. Social media has given people the opportunity to interact directly with society, share their opinions and share useful information. The rapid growth of the social media audience is supported by technological innovations. You can communicate via computers, smartphones, tablets, game consoles, and televisions. The Internet is probably connected everywhere, and there are no borders for it. It has become practically available to everyone, and you can keep in touch in real time. For example, my wife has a small confectionery factory, and she creates very delicious and beautiful cakes and pastries. There are clients, but I would also like to start a page on social networks so that as many people as possible know about her talent. I decided to take up the promotion of her social media page, but it seems to me that I did it badly, because I have absolutely no experience in this area. After searching for information about agencies, I came across seo services in Singapore and decided to work with them because of the good reviews. My wife was very happy with as many new clients as she could get . Sometimes you need to contact a professional to promote your page.