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Side effects of vaporizers are relatively few and should not cause any concern, provided they are used as directed. The common side effects of vapouring cigarettes include: coughing, wheezing, sore throat, and dry mouth. The severity of these symptoms will vary from person to person, and you should consult your doctor if you experience these symptoms.

The second most common side effects of Vape Islamabad is headaches. This is because your body's blood vessels become constricted, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen the body receives. It is important to note that the constriction of the blood vessels is not caused by nicotine, but by the lack of nicotine in the body. Many headaches can be relieved by applying a cold compress to the forehead or temples.

One of the more serious side effects of vapourising tobacco is lightheadedness. It has been calculated that up to six people will experience lightheadedness when using a vaporizer. Lightheadedness can often be relieved by standing up and moving around. It is important to also note that this can be an uncomfortable side effect, and could cause you to quit smoking completely. adverse effects | e-liquids} The main reason as to why e-liquids are the way to go is because they do not possess any harmful or adverse effects on the human body. They are full of natural chemical substances that help to give your lungs and whole body a good working environment. By providing a clean environment for your body, you help to keep it clean too, and stop the build up of undesirable chemicals in the body. The use of e-liquids is a very good alternative to cigarettes if you wish to stop smoking. With no harmful or adverse effects on the human body, you would feel much better about stopping.