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As the labor market becomes more competitive, a lot of people, of course including students, company employees, etc., and all want to get Salesforce-Certified-Administrator authentication in a very short time, this has developed into an inevitable trend. Each of them is eager to have a strong proof to highlight their abilities, so they have the opportunity to change their current status, including getting a better job, have higher pay, and get a higher quality of material, etc. It is not easy to qualify for a qualifying exam in such a short period of time. Our company's Salesforce-Certified-Administrator learning material is very good at helping customers pass the exam and obtain a certificate in a short time, and now I'm going to show you our Salesforce-Certified-Administrator Learning materials.
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The administrator at Cloud Kicks has a Custom picklist field on Lead, Which is missing on the Contact when leads are converted.
Which two items should the administrator do to make sure these values are populated?
Choose 2 answers
Answer: A,B
Ursa Major Solar wants its sales reps to be aware when they are speaking with high-profile customers.
Which two options should be added to the Lightning record pages to achieve this?
Choose 2 answers
Answer: C,E
New leads need be routed to the correct Sales person based on the lead address.
Answer: D
Users have noticed that when they click on a report in a dashboard to view the report details, the values in the report are different from the values displayed on the dashboard.
What are the two reasons this is likely to occur?
Choose 2 answers
Answer: A,C
How should an administrator support this request?
Answer: A
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