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Scaled Agile - SAFe-RTE - SAFe Release Train Engineer Test Pattern

Passing the SAFe-RTE exam is your best career opportunity. The rich experience with relevant certificates is important for enterprises to open up a series of professional vacancies for your choices. Our website's SAFe-RTE learning quiz bank and learning materials look up the latest questions and answers based on the topics you choose. This choice will serve as a breakthrough of your entire career, so prepared to be amazed by high quality and accuracy rate of our SAFe-RTE Study Guide.

Scaled Agile SAFe Release Train Engineer Sample Questions (Q89-Q94):

Program Increment (PI) Planning is a major event that requires preparation, coordina-tion, and communication. What are two key areas a Release Train Engineer should focus on to support a successful PI Planning event? (Choose two.)

  • A. Organizational readiness - Strategic alignment; roles, teams, and train setup
  • B. Operational readiness - Facilitating PI events such as scrum of scrums, Iteration Planning, and System emo
  • C. Architectural readiness - Defining the Architectural Runway
  • D. Facilities readiness - Space and logistics for the event
  • E. Process readiness - The operational rhythm that enables SAFe governance

Answer: A,D
What are two purposes of the System Demo? (Choose two.)

  • A. To exercise the performance of the staging area
  • B. To demonstrate a team's build
  • C. To conduct the Inspect and Adapt workshop
  • D. To demonstrate the full solution in a production-like context
  • E. To get feedback from the primary stakeholders

Answer: D
The team's draft plan review consists of which three items at the end of the first day of the Program Increment (PI) Planning event? (Choose three.)

  • A. Capacity and load estimates
  • B. Draft PI Objectives
  • C. Program delivery schedule
  • D. Iteration Goals
  • E. Refined team backlogs
  • F. Risks and impediments

Answer: A,B,F
What is a key characteristic lean-agile leaders need to have when implementing SAFe?

  • A. Keeping roadmaps to no more than a single PI
  • B. Ensuring compliance with process standards
  • C. Emphasizing the enterprise objectives and KPIs
  • D. Understanding and exhibiting the values, principles and practices

Answer: D
Which three attributes summarize DevOps? (Choose three.)

  • A. Combined deployment and release
  • B. A mindset
  • C. Strong organizational structure
  • D. A set of technical practices
  • E. A high performing DevOps team
  • F. A culture

Answer: B,D,F
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Trustable SAFe-RTE Test Pattern - Find Shortcut to Pass SAFe-RTE Exam

We even can guarantee 100% pass rate for you with serious studying the materials of SAFe-RTE Real dumps, Our SAFe-RTE training materials: SAFe Release Train Engineer are useful to customers at all SAFe-RTE Valid Test Review level, which means you can master the important information and remember it effectively. If you want to have a great development in your IT career, to get SAFe-RTE certification is very important for you, Passing the exam needs rich knowledge and experience. Proper training for Scaled Agile SAFe-RTE begins with preparation products designed to deliver real Scaled Agile SAFe-RTE results by making you pass the test the first time.