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Exam: | 80 questions |
Sample Questions: | SAP C-BOBIP-43 Exam Sample Question |
Duration: | 180 mins |
Languages: | English |
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The "SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.3" certification exam verifies that the candidate possesses proven skills and fundamental knowledge in designing, deploying and running SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.3. This exam measures the candidate's knowledge of SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform, starting with the tasks involved in supporting SAP Business Intelligence platform users and groups, so as to access corporate data through the SAP Business Intelligence platform's web portal. It tests the candidate's skills in configuring and managing servers in an SAP Business Intelligence platform deployment, as well as in designing and deploying an SAP Business Intelligence platform system.
Topic Areas | Topic Details, Courses, Books | Weighting |
Information Flow | Describe how information flows from server to server for system processes such as logging onto the system, scheduling reports, viewing reports, creating a publication, executing dashboards and client auditing. BOE320 (SBO BIP VERSION 4.1) | 8% - 12% |
Design and Deployment | Design a scalable system using the concepts of High Availability, Scalability, Sizing, Disaster Recovery and Lifecycle Management. BOE330 | > 12% |
Content Management | Administer and manage BI content in single or multiple deployments, manage instances, manage calendars and publish reports. BOE310, BOE330 | 8% - 12% |
Authentication, Authorization and Security | Describe the authorisation and security features in BI 4.1 BOE310, BOE330 | < 8% |
Platform Configuration | Configure servers and perform common server management and administrative tasks in SAP BusinessObjects BI platform. BOE310, BOE320 (SBO BIP VERSION 4.1) | 8% - 12% |
Troubleshooting | Troubleshoot problems in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform. BOE320 (SBO BIP VERSION 4.1), BOE330 | < 8% |
Installation and Backup | Perform installation and backup. BOE320 (SBO BIP VERSION 4.1), BOE330 | < 8% |
Which of the following tasks can you perform in the Central Management Console to manage servers?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
Answer: A,B,D
What do you have to consider when defining an instance management plan?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Answer: A,C
You delete a user account. The user owned several objects located in public folders. What happens to those objects?
Answer: C
Which of the following tasks can you perform in the Central Management Console to manage servers?
Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
Answer: A,B,E
A user wants to create Web Intelligence documents. However, the necessary option is not available on the BI launch pad.
What could be the reason?
Answer: B
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