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You can enroll for the Professional Service Provider Routing and Switching certification exam via the Pearson VUE website. Hence, make sure you are ready and confident for the final test beforehand with the right resources. The Juniper website itself provides valuable resources you can look into while preparing for your JN0-663 exam. The Juniper Advanced Junos Service Provider Routing (AJSPR) five-day course is a perfect way to start studying for your professional exam for the JNCIP-SP certificate. In particular, this training offers candidates hands-on lab-based professional studying so while attending it, you’ll get to know more about all the exam domains and will learn how to work with the relevant products such as T Series and M Series, to name a few. Apart from this, it’s a good idea to check out such classes as Junos Layer 2 VPNs (JL2V) and Junos Layer 3 VPNs (JL3V).
The Juniper Service Provider Routing and Switching, Professional JN0-663 Exam is an internationally recognized validation that identifies persons who earn it as possessing skilled in Juniper Service Provider Routing and Switching, Professional Certification. If candidates want significant improvement in career growth need enhanced knowledge, skills, and talents. The Juniper Service Provider Routing and Switching, Professional JN0-663 exam provides proof of this advanced knowledge and skill. If a candidate knows associated technologies and skills that are required to pass the Juniper Service Provider Routing and Switching, Professional JN0-663 practice test then he should take this exam.
Click the Exhibit button.
A network administrator is investigating why traffic from R2 is not being forwarded to R1 Referring to the show isis database command output shown in the exhibit, what is causing this problem on the network?
Answer: B
Your network connects two segments of your customer's network as shown in the exhibit They need to exchange routes between Segment 1 and Segment 2 but both segments use the same AS number.
Which two steps will accomplish this task? (Choose two.)
Answer: B,D
The route shown in the exhibit is an example of which type of next-generation MVPN route?
Answer: D
Referring to the exhibit, the local BGP router is receiving IPv4 routes from the BGP neighbor, but it is not receiving L3 VPN routes from the BGP neighbor.
Which two actions should you take to solve this problem? (Choose two.)
Answer: B,D
Referring to the exhibit, there is a Layer 3 VPN setup that connects sites CE-A-1, CE-A-2, and CE-A-3 together. Host-1 can communicate with Host-3, but Host-1 cannot communicate with Host-2.
What must you do to solve the problem?
Answer: A
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