Foren » Discussions » Provincial Taxes While at a Det


Good evening... Question: If a member is posted to a Det in one province with their HQ in another, what provincial tax rates should they be paying?

I believe it should be the province in which they are showing up for work (the Det location)however that doesn't seem to be the case in this situation which is making for some surprising and unwelcome tax time surprises for some members.

Any thoughts on the matter would be appreciated.

Thanks, RT


Actual question for me, too! I would be very happy to receive some help with this...


Oh, your question is a very controversial one... Honestly, I do not know which is the correct answer. In general, I am not a person who understands a lot in this domain. So, this is why I am not looking by myself after my taxation process and the taxes I pay. I was advised to employ a professional and licensed company that will take care of my taxes. I want to say that this was the perfect solution in my case. I feel very safe when I know that someone who knows everything about this field works with my taxes.


Where can I find some more feedback?