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Topic Areas | Topic Details, Courses, Books |
Workforce Planning Fundamentals and Navigation 8% - 12% | Identify the fundamental terminology used throughout WFP, and demonstrate a forecast.
Workforce Analytics Reporting > 12% | Describe how to create and edit custom queries and reports using WFA tool(s): Query Workspace, Investigate, and Page Designer.
Data Questionairre and Data Standards > 12% | Describe and explain the Data Questionairre and SuccessFactors data standards.
Administering Workforce Analytics and Planning > 12% | Describe and apply fundamental functions of WFAP Administrators, including configuring security and required configurations during implementation.
In headcount planning, who can create the plan template?
Please choose the correct answer.
Answer: A
What document should a partner consultant team review to help build an initial project timeline if a technical consultant is provided by SAP?
Please choose the correct answer.
Answer: D
When undertaking workforce planning, most businesses will have decided how they want to group individuals within the workforce for the purposes of future planning. How does WFP identify these groupings?
Please choose the correct answer.
Answer: C
A customer is concerned about maintaining custom reports if an employee who created the reports leaves the team. What options are available to the customer to manage and update reports created by a departing employee?
Please choose the correct answer.
Answer: D
What do you select first when building a new custom query? Please choose the correct answer.
Answer: C
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