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Fortinet NSE4FGT-7.0 Valid Dumps Questions, Exam NSE4FGT-7.0 Outline

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Fortinet NSE 4 - FortiOS 7.0 Sample Questions (Q94-Q99):

Which scanning technique on FortiGate can be enabled only on the CLI?

  • A. Antivirus scan
  • B. Heuristics scan
  • C. Trojan scan
  • D. Ransomware scan

Answer: B Explanation:
Reference: For FortiOS 7.0 the answer is Machine learning (AI) scan instead of Heuristics. See FortiGate Security 7.0 page 476
Refer to the exhibit.

The exhibit contains a network interface configuration, firewall policies, and a CLI console configuration.
How will FortiGate handle user authentication for traffic that arrives on the LAN interface?

  • A. Users from the HR group will be prompted for authentication and can authenticate successfully with the correct credentials.
  • B. If there is a full-through policy in place, users will not be prompted for authentication.
  • C. Authentication is enforced at a policy level; all users will be prompted for authentication.
  • D. Users from the Sales group will be prompted for authentication and can authenticate successfully with the correct credentials.

Answer: C
You have enabled logging on your FortiGate device for Event logs and all Security logs, and you have set up logging to use the FortiGate local disk.
What is the default behavior when the local disk is full?

  • A. Logs are overwritten and the only warning is issued when log disk usage reaches the threshold of 95%.
  • B. No new log is recorded after the warning is issued when log disk usage reaches the threshold of 95%.
  • C. No new log is recorded until you manually clear logs from the local disk.
  • D. Logs are overwritten and the first warning is issued when log disk usage reaches the threshold of 75%.

Answer: D Explanation:
"The system reserves approximately 25% of its disk space for system usage and unexpected quota overflow."
Which two statements are true about the RPF check? (Choose two.)

  • A. The RPF check is run on the first sent and reply packet of any new session.
  • B. The RPF check is run on the first reply packet of any new session.
  • C. RPF is a mechanism that protects FortiGate and your network from IP spoofing attacks.
  • D. The RPF check is run on the first sent packet of any new session.

Answer: C,D Explanation:
Which three statements about a flow-based antivirus profile are correct? (Choose three.)

  • A. Flow-based inspection uses a hybrid of scanning modes available in proxy-based inspection.
  • B. FortiGate buffers the whole file but transmits to the client simultaneously.
  • C. IPS engine handles the process as a standalone.
  • D. Optimized performance compared to proxy-based inspection.
  • E. If the virus is detected, the last packet is delivered to the client.

Answer: A,B,D Explanation:
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