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For the past 12 hours, a vRealize Operations Cluster has exhibited erratic behavior, and the remote collectors appear to be the cause. The administrator has contacted VMware support, and they have requested all relevant logs.
Because of bandwidth constraints, the customer will only be able to send the minimum amount of information to VMware support.
Which support bundle should the customer send that fits these constraints?
Answer: C
Which three key benefits does vRealize Operations provide within an environment? (Choose three.)
Answer: D,E,F
An administrator has been tasked with configuring vRealize Operations to ensure that workload performance across the VMware SDDC is the main priority. In the event of an issue, remediation activities should be automatically completed to minimize any impact to running workloads. A maximum of 10% cluster resources should be reserved for burst capacity.
Which option should the administrator configure to meet these requirements?
Answer: D
An active policy has been enabled with this alert definition:
"Virtual machine CPU usage is at 100% for an extended period of time."
This is causing alerts to be triggered frequently by test/development VMs, so the administrator would like to exclude alerts triggered by the test/development VMs, but not other VMs.
Which action would help achieve this goal?
Answer: D
An administrator is configuring and managing multisite deployments.
Which Association Member Status is an invalid status?
Answer: D
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