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Unparalleled SAP Latest Test C-TS413-2021 Simulations: Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Asset Management Pass Guaranteed

In our study, we found that many people have the strongest ability to use knowledge for a period of time at the beginning of their knowledge. As time goes on, memory fades. Our C-TS413-2021 training materials are designed to help users consolidate what they have learned, will add to the instant of many training, the user can test their learning effect in time after finished the part of the learning content, have a special set of wrong topics in our C-TS413-2021 Guide dump, enable users to find their weak spot of knowledge in this function, iterate through constant practice, finally reach a high success rate. As a result, our C-TS413-2021 study questions are designed to form a complete set of the contents of practice can let users master knowledge as much as possible, although such repeated sometimes very boring, but it can achieve good effect of consolidation.

SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Asset Management Sample Questions (Q80-Q85):

How does the work center influence cost calculation in the maintenance order? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Via cost center and activity type
  • B. Via organizational unit and personal hourly rate
  • C. Via activity type and hourly rate
  • D. Via business partner and hourly price

Answer: A,C
In which cases are projects (PS) used in the area of SAP S/4HANAAsset Management? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Shutdowns and overhaul
  • B. Investments
  • C. External refurbishment
  • D. Condition-based maintenance

Answer: A,B
Which of the following can you assign to an equipment category via a view profile? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Configuration
  • B. Manufacturer data
  • C. Serial data
  • D. Warranty

Answer: A,C
What are the prerequisites to serialize a piece of equipment? Note:There are 3 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Assign a serial number profile to the related material master.
  • B. Add a serialized material to the equipment serial data view.
  • C. Add a serialized material to the construction type field of the equipment master.
  • D. Assign a serial number profile to the equipment category.
  • E. Maintain a serial number for an existing equipment master.

Answer: A,B,C
How do you set up the visible tiles for a specific user in SAP Fiori launchpad? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. By assigning a PFCG role with an SAP Fiori catalog
  • B. By assigning the tiles directly
  • C. By assigning a portal role with an SAP Fiori catalog
  • D. By assigning a PFCG role with an SAP Fiori tile group

Answer: A,D
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Our C-TS413-2021 actual exam is really a good helper on your dream road, If you don't find the answer, feel free to contact our customer service via LiveChat and email. We provide you C-TS413-2021 free demo download for your reference, We have professional IT staff to check and update the latest C-TS413-2021 test dumps & C-TS413-2021 VCE engine version every day so that we can guarantee all our test dumps are valid and useful for actual exam. If you want to purchase C-TS413-2021 test online, it is our pleasure to serve for you any time, we will reply your instant messaging and emails in two hours.