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Adobe AD0-E121 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details
Topic 1
  • Determine how to configure and use content components to show best practices of AEM
  • Describe how AEM integrates with third-party services

Topic 2
  • Setup and Implementation
  • Identify typical project stakeholders
  • Describe caching approaches

Topic 3
  • Determine how to meet the core business goals while remaining within budget and
  • or scope
  • Map standard modules of AEM to different business problems for the customer

Topic 4
  • Apply procedural concepts necessary to support collaboration of all parties involved
  • List relevant AEM features and capabilities

Topic 5
  • Apply content management concepts for AEM modules
  • Determine how to define roles and permissions

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Adobe Experience Manager Sites Business Practitioner Expert Sample Questions (Q16-Q21):

Regarding performance, what are the Adobe recommended response Time guidelines for uneached HTML requests?

  • A. 70% of the requests for pages should have a response in less than 100mt
  • B. 20% of the requests for pages should have a response in less than1 second.
  • C. 30% of the requests for pages should have a response in less than 100ms.
  • D. No pages should respond slower than an elapsed period o' 500ms.

Answer: A
Which mo additional AEM Assets features become available after integration with Dynamic Media? (Choose two.)

  • A. Generation of static renditions
  • B. Asset translation workflows
  • C. Smart rags
  • D. Creation of spin sets
  • E. Smart Cropping

Answer: A,E
A customer that uses version 6.5 wants 10 have a text component with basic text editing features. The solution must require minimal effort cost and time to meet the deadline.
Which approach should a Business Practitioner recommend?

  • A. Use HTML Source Edit
  • B. Create a new Text Component
  • C. Use Foundation Text Component
  • D. Use Core Text Component

Answer: D
A customer needs to update their live site when the author triggers any content activation. What should a Business Practitioner recommend be configured?

  • A. Chain Replication Agent
  • B. Static Replication Agent
  • C. Reverse Replication Agent
  • D. Dispatcher Flush Agent

Answer: A
A customer has been using the AEM ContextHub feature Cut wants to extend it by adding an additional API.
The additional API will be used to allow digital marketers to target banners based on CRM data for the current visit.
What should the Business Practitioner recommend that the customer create?

  • A. A custom session store candidate
  • B. A custom ISONP store candidate
  • C. A ContextHub Ul module
  • D. A custom persisted store candidate

Answer: C
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