Foren » Discussions » 素敵L4M5|完璧なL4M5試験合格攻略試験|試験の準備方法Commercial Negotiation復習時間



CIPS L4M5 認定試験の出題範囲:

トピック 出題範囲
トピック 1
  • 目標を設定し、交渉による合意(BATNA)の最良の代替案を作成する
  • 交渉への協調的なwin-winの統合的アプローチ

トピック 2
  • 外部組織との商取引契約の交渉における主要なアプローチを理解する
  • 調達と供給の作業で発生する可能性のある紛争の原因

トピック 3
  • チーム管理と交渉における利害関係者の影響
  • 商談の定義

トピック 4
  • 評判と信頼に基づいた関係の構築
  • 関係の修復
  • 関係のスペクトル

トピック 5
  • 商談で追求できるアプローチの種類を区別する
  • 交渉への分配的勝敗、分配的アプローチ

トピック 6
  • 交渉のさまざまな段階で行動がどのように変化するか
  • 望ましい結果を達成するのに役立つ主要なコミュニケーションスキルを比較する

トピック 7
  • 組織力:購入者と供給者の相対的な力の比較
  • 商談における力のバランスが結果にどのように影響するかを説明する

トピック 8
  • 吸収、限界または変動および活動基準原価計算などの原価計算方法
  • 外部組織との交渉の準備方法を知っている

トピック 9
  • 交渉のプロセスと結果を評価して、将来の実践に情報を提供する方法を分析する
  • 交渉後の関係を保護する

トピック 10
  • マクロ経済学とその商談への影響
  • 商談に影響を与える経済的要因と対比

トピック 11
  • 商談に影響を与えるさまざまなタイプの関係を特定する
  • 実用的で原則的な交渉スタイル

トピック 12
  • 商談の目標を設定し、変数を定義する
  • 電話、電話会議、またはWebベースの会議の使用

トピック 13
  • 調達プロセスの段階に関連して、調達および供給
  • 交渉の作業における商談の適用を分析します

>> L4M5試験合格攻略 <<

検証するL4M5試験合格攻略 & 資格試験のリーダー & 信頼できるL4M5: Commercial Negotiation

あなたはもうCIPS L4M5資格認定試験を申し込んでいましたか.いまのあなたは山となるL4M5復習教材と練習問題に面して頭が痛いと感じますか。CertShikenは絶対にあなたに信頼できるウエブサイトなので、あなたの問題を解決するCertShikenをお勧めいたします。役立つかどうかな資料にあまり多い時間をかけるより、早くCertShikenのサービスを体験してください。躊躇わなく、行動しましょう。

CIPS Commercial Negotiation 認定 L4M5 試験問題 (Q117-Q122):

質問 # 117
There are no commitments in hypothetical questions. Is this statement true?

  • A. No, because the party who makes hypothetical questions cannot withdraw their proposals
  • B. No, because hypothetical questions are made explicitly to the other party
  • C. Yes, because hypothetical questions generate a specific response
  • D. Yes, because hypothetical questions only mention possible situations

正解:D 解説:
There are four types of questions that can be used in a commercial negotiation:
Hypothetical questions, where you ask about a possible situation or abstract concept, are very useful at the testing and proposal phases. Hypothetical question does not state any commitment as it is only about 'if something happens, then ...'. This type of question can be useful at giving suggestion.
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LO 3, AC 3.3
質問 # 118
Which of the following is the most appropriate pricing arrangement in contracts where major inputs are commodities?

  • A. Cost reimbursable pricingarrangement
  • B. Fixed pricing arrangement
  • C. Standard schedule of rates
  • D. Price adjustment mechanism

正解:D 解説:
In contracts which have major commodity input, the price is determined by market forces with no individual supplier or buyer able to influence it significantly.Prices are much more variable even within long term contracts and seeking a fixed price would create financial risks for both the buyers and the suppliers. It is often intelligent to agree a contract price adjustment mechanism to allow for market price changes so both sides share risk.
質問 # 119
Which of the following are common forms of collaborating approach in Thomas-Kilmann conflict resolution model? Select THREE that apply.

  • A. Exploring a disagreement to learn from each other's insights
  • B. Seeking a quick middle-ground position
  • C. Trying to find a creative solution to current problem
  • D. Resolving some conditions that would otherwise have them competing for resources
  • E. Yielding to another's point of view
  • F. Trying to win at any cost

正解:A、C、D 解説:
Collaborating is both assertive and cooperative. When collaborating, an individual attempts to work with the other person to find a solution that fully satisfies the concerns of both. It involves digging into an issue to identify theunderlying concerns of the two individuals and to find an alternative that meets both sets of concerns. Collaborating between two persons might take the form of exploring a disagreement to learn from each other's insights, resolving some condition that would otherwise have them competing for resources, or confronting and trying to find a creative solution to an interpersonal problem.
質問 # 120
Which of the following is the first step in the development of negotiation strategies?

  • A. Developing scenarios around possible options
  • B. Recognising TOP'sneeds and wants
  • C. Defining overarching objectives
  • D. Determining your BATNA

正解:C 解説:
Developing specific negotiation strategies in areas where risk or spend is high involves analysing a wide range of objectives and variables within the context of the organisation'sbusiness requirements. The first stage in any negotiation preparation is to define your overall objectives which may be related to a single variable such as price in the case of a standardised requirement, or many variables in the case of capital equipment. Your negotiating strategies and tactics will all be focused on achieving overall objectives.
質問 # 121
In which of the following costing methods, overhead costs are applied in proportion to production volume?

  • A. Marginal costing
  • B. Mark-up costing
  • C. Absorption costing
  • D. Activity-based costing

正解:C 解説:
There are 3 major costing methods:
Marginal costing
* Uses marginal cost of producing addition units
* Uses variable cost to derived a unit cost (does not include fixed cost)
* Fixed cost treated as a 'period cost' and deducted, as a total amount, from total contribution to profit for the period, in the firm's profit and loss account Absorption costing
* Calculates total cost of producing product
* In addition to variable cost, a fair proportion of fixed cost is allocated to (absorbed) eachunit of output, as a fixed cost per unit Activity based costing
* Similar to absorption costing but with fixed cost allocated to products on the basis of the cost of activities used in producing them LO 2, AC 2.1
質問 # 122
...... 我々CertShikenはお客様の立場でお客様に最高のサービスを提供します。全日でのオンライン係員、CIPSのL4M5試験資料のデモ、豊富なバーション、CIPSのL4M5試験資料を購入した後の無料更新、試験に失敗した後の全額の返金…これら全部は我々CertShikenが信頼される理由です。あなたは我々のソフトを通してCIPSのL4M5試験に順調に合格したら、私たちの共同の努力を覚えられると希望します。 L4M5復習時間: