Foren » Discussions » Kindle Club be the expert of tomorrow


Kindle Club To “Win the 16”, we have to be accountable for our actions and non-actions, taking ownership of our day, and setting authentic goals. Mental toughness is a pivotal skill because the world we live in is complex, and tough. It’s difficult to accomplish all that needs to be done in a day. People need to be able to “dig” deep Kindle Club at times and go beyond what they believe they can accomplish. Inspiration, and motivation are principles of “Win the 16” to support all on their journey to become their best selves. When we aren’t inspired or motivated is when habits, and discipline need to be in place. The world is evolving fast, so change agility is imperative to our success in optimizing our day. None of us should desire to be the expert of yesterday. We want to be the expert of tomorrow.

To “Win the 16”, we have to be accountable for our actions and non-actions, taking ownership of our day, and setting authentic goals. Mental toughness is a pivotal skill because the world we live in is complex, and tough. It’s difficult to accomplish all that needs to be done in a day. People need to be able to “dig” deep Kindle Club at times and go beyond what they believe they can accomplish. Inspiration, and motivation are principles of “Win the 16” to support all on their journey to become their best selves. When we aren’t inspired or motivated is when habits, and discipline need to be in place. The world is evolving fast, so change agility is imperative to our success in optimizing our day. None of us should desire to be the expert of yesterday. We want to be the expert of tomorrow.

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