Foren » Discussions » Installing MySQL on CentOS 7 for Minecraft servers


Are you looking to install MySQL on CentOS 7 to support your Minecraft server? Look no further! In this thread, we'll walk you through the steps required to get MySQL up and running on your CentOS 7 machine.

First, make sure that your CentOS 7 server is up-to-date by running the following command:

sql sudo yum update

Next, you can install MySQL by running the following command:

sudo yum install mysql-server

Once the installation is complete, start the MySQL service and set it to start automatically at boot time:

sudo systemctl start mysqld sudo systemctl enable mysqld

Now, you can log in to the MySQL server and create a database for your Minecraft server:

css mysql -u root -p

You'll be prompted to enter a password. This is the password for the MySQL root user, which you should set up during the installation process.

Once you're logged in to MySQL, you can create a new database and user for your Minecraft server:

CREATE DATABASE minecraft; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON minecraft.* TO 'minecraft_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';


Replace minecraft_user and password with the username and password you want to use for your Minecraft server.

That's it! You should now have a fully functional MySQL server set up to support your Minecraft server on CentOS 7.

If you encounter any issues during the installation process, feel free to post your questions and we'll be happy to help you out.