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New C1000-142 Test Review | Relevant C1000-142 Exam Dumps

A lot of my friends from IT industry in order to pass IBM certification C1000-142 exam have spend a lot of time and effort, but they did not choose training courses or online training, so passing the exam is so difficult for them and generally, the disposable passing rate is very low. Fortunately, GetValidTest can provide you the most reliable training tool for you. GetValidTest provide training resource that include simulation test software, simulation test, practice questions and answers about IBM Certification C1000-142 Exam. We can provide the best and latest practice questions and answers of IBM certification C1000-142 exam to meet your need.

IBM Cloud Advocate v2 Sample Questions (Q89-Q94):

Select the answer that correctly completes the sentence. ____is a suite of tools and collaborative environment for data scientists, developers, and domain experts.

  • A. IBM Watson Machine Learning
  • B. IBM Watson Studio
  • C. IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog
  • D. IBM Watson Open Scale

Answer: B Explanation:
IBM Watson Studio is a suite of tools and collaborative environment for data scientists, developers, and domain experts.
What is an advantage an enterprise would realize from using VPC?

  • A. VPC's automatically connect with VPC's hosted by other cloud providers
  • B. Logical isolation from other public cloud tenants, creating a private, secure place on the public cloud
  • C. IBM manages virtual machine operating systems in VPC
  • D. No egress charges for data leaving IBM Cloud VPC

Answer: B
Which type of database would be appropriate for shopping cart data?

  • A. Relational
  • B. Document
  • C. SQL
  • D. Key-Value

Answer: D Explanation:
Key value databases are best at storing data that is structured but doesn't require the relational abilities of a relational database. Data are stored as a key value pair where the key is a unique identifier. These databases are used for storing leaderboards and shopping cart data.
Which IBM CloudDevOps services is a set of tools and templates that automate developing and deploying applications?

  • A. Continuous Testing
  • B. Continuous Delivery Service
  • C. DevOps Toolchain
  • D. Delivery Pipeline

Answer: C Explanation:
The DevOps toolchain tools build, deploy, and manage apps that make development and operations repeatable and easier to manage. A continuous delivery service is required before an IBM Cloud Toolchain can be executed. Toolchains are a set of tools that are used to automate the process of building, deploying, and manage applications. You can create toolchains from a variety of sources including other IBM Cloud services, third-party software, and open-source tools.
What is an attribute of Cloud computing?

  • A. Zero downtime
  • B. All computing resources are CAPEX costs
  • C. All software licensing must be pre-purchased
  • D. Lower IT costs

Answer: D Explanation:
Cloud computing is on-demand access, via the internet, to computing resources-applications, servers (physical servers and virtual servers), data storage, development tools, networking capabilities, and more-hosted at a remote data center managed by a cloud services provider (or CSP). The CSP makes these resources available for a monthly subscription fee or bills them according to usage. Compared to traditional on-premises IT, and depending on the cloud services you select, cloud computing helps do the following: Lower IT costs: Cloud lets you offload some or most of the costs and effort of purchasing, installing, configuring, and managing your own on-premises infrastructure. Improve agility and time-to-value: With cloud, your organization can start using enterprise applications in minutes, instead of waiting weeks or months for IT to respond to a request, purchase and configure supporting hardware, and install software. Cloud also lets you empower certain users-specifically developers and data scientists-to help themselves to software and support infrastructure. Scale more easily and cost-effectively: Cloud provides elasticity-instead of purchasing excess capacity that sits unused during slow periods, you can scale capacity up and down in response to spikes and dips in traffic. You can also take advantage of your cloud provider's global network to spread your applications closer to users around the world.
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Valid C1000-142 Exam Study Guide & Passing C1000-142 Exam is No More a Challenging Task

Improve Your Confidence With IBM C1000-142 Dumps PDF, Governing Law And Jurisdiction Any and all matters and disputes related to this website, its purchases, claims etc will be governed by the laws of the United Kingdom. And not a single extra penny was spent than was necessary, well let me explain, C1000-142 Exam Testking These days, no industry can survive without Information technology that involves a huge number of certifications, including IBM Certified Advocate - Cloud v2.