Foren » Discussions » How to make my own surf equipment?


Hi there! I love surfing and I would love to make my own homemade wetsuits for me and my family.

I live in a town in a little state of a little country, where surfing culture is booming but not so developed yet. Here there are not local brands of surfing equipment and I would like to start a new one (or at least know how to do stuff myself). Many people here can´t afford foreign brands (due to the high taxes of importations) wetsuits such as billabong, rip curl, vissla, etc. That´s why I want to start a local brand, so I can sell it at a more accessible price for people here.

My questions are:

How can I produce my own wetsuit?

What materials do I need, where can I find them?

Where to look for advice? (I searched on the internet but found nothing)

What websites, subreddits or information do you recommend to me?


Hello. I don't think you should do it yourself. Because it could end badly. All the same, this is a sport and you are in the water. It's better not to save on this. I bought a board from This is an inexpensive store where you can find everything you need.