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Great if you want to create your own website. This guide to building a small business website includes helpful tips to optimize your website and provide a strong digital foundation


Here is a quick rundown.

If you want your site to be accessible on the Internet, you first need a host. Some hosts let you build your website with non-technical, drag-and-drop tools. (ex. Weebly and Wix). There are usually free versions that have some restrictions, and inexpensive paid versions. Simmilar to Weebly and Wix, there is WordPress -- the .com site, not the .org site. You can build a free site, and upgrade to a paid version for a small fee. The next step up is to get a hosting package that gives you 1-click installs of WordPress. Some typical hosts with inexpensive packages are BlueHost, HostGator, GoDaddy, DreamHost, and many others. For a few dollars a month you get hosting and you can install the ".org" version of WordPress following simple instructions. You can then use free themes and plugins to create the site you want with virtually no technical knowledge. If you want to look at making your own site from scratch, you still need a host. Then, your most basic technology for building the site is HTML. There are an amazing number of sites on the web that give free HTML tutorials. However, sites with HTML only will look very plain. To style the appearance of an HTML website you will need to use CSS. Once again, there are an amazing number of free CSS tutorials available on the web. The next level would be to add movement and interactivity to your site. That is done with JavaScript. Once again, many free tutorials. To make more sophisticated websites that allow for user accounts and storing information you need two more components: A "Sever Side" programming language and a DataBase. The most used combination is PHP (the language) and MySQL (the database). MySQL is the most popular database. Other "Server Side" languages that commonly go with it are Ruby and Python. However, I believe the trend is toward new "Sever Side" JavaScript. For that you may want to google the MEAN stack

I hope that helps!


I understand that the development of website creation skills is a great experience, and I plan to develop in this direction in the future. To create my online store, friends recommended me to use template MotoPress site development. And I can tell you that this is an ideal option for those who want to save time and create an individual project. In addition, it is one of the most technically developed ecosystems for creating websites.


Hello. You will also need to connect your site to a MySQL database. I think that you should also take the time to study this information. As for me, it is not so difficult.


Connecting a website to a MySQL database is really easy. Because it has a friendly interface and is easy to install. To understand how queries are executed and optimize them, you can read more about MySQL analyze and MySQL explain . This will help you improve the performance of your queries and tune them to increase the amount of data electronically.


You will definitely need to connect your site to a database, it will need to be selected based on your needs. That is why I recommend that you definitely read this article about aws databases . Here you can learn from more experienced experts how to choose the right AWS database. And also get acquainted with their comparison and read useful tips.


"How to Make a Website" is a helpful guide for those looking to create a website from scratch. If you're new to website creation and looking for easy-to-use website building tools, TemplateMonster is a great place to start. With a wide range of website templates available, including WordPress, HTML, and Shopify themes, TemplateMonster offers users the flexibility and customization options they need to create a unique and professional-looking website quickly and easily. Check out TemplateMonster today and take the first step towards creating your own website!


To create a website and connect its database, you will need to choose a web development framework, select a database management system, write code to connect the two and deploy the site to a web server. For MVP development services, focus on the core features that provide the most value to users. blush