Foren » Discussions » How do I bring my car from US to Canada? Are there any laws specific to Nova Scotia?


How do I bring my car from US to Canada? Are there any laws specific to Nova Scotia?


You are planning on moving to Canada in 6 months? Have you applied yet for Permanent Resident Status? That can take 6+ months to obtain if you qualify. Or maybe you plan to come on TN Status? For that you have to be in one of the specialty professions listed in NAFTA/USMCA then have a job lined up.

Please indicate under what visa or process are you moving here as we get a lot of Americans who think thy can just move here like they would to another state.


Hi, I guess you should take into account some specific laws. Right you are. So, Isimply apply to some reliable local broker specializing on all the aspects. Check out this one I had numerous questions regarding my transaction. Clearit staff answered them in a timely fashion, and helped me throughout the process. Simply give them a shot. Good luck