Foren » Discussions » Help me find good player

diablo senin

I'm looking for a good player to help me raise my rank in CS:GO matchmaking. To be honest, oh I would be glad to even pump up to the level of the big star, I think it would work with a skilled player because I can not get out of the level of two ak-47.


Buddy, I could help you with the rank, but to be honest I have absolutely no time since I'm in school. I have level 9 Faceit and Global in matchmaking. I think we can play in 2 months, and I can improve your game and rank, but in the meantime, better ask for help from Here they can instruct you, teach you all the tricks and improve your rank. Just for these two months with them, you can get closer to my level of play, and already we will play in full team. Here by the way my friendship code is C2FS5P2.


Oh, thank you so much. I've already sent you a friend request, and I'm waiting for you to accept it. By the way, I hope you get to play with me sooner. I think by then, I can greatly improve my CS:GO skills, and we'll play not only in matchmaking but also on Faceit. By the way, I've already left an application on the site you listed, and the training will cost me a few tens of dollars. But it seems to me that I can learn a lot during training.