Foren » Discussions » General educational skills and abilities


The reflexive activity of a student is one of the elements of assessing the quality of his mastery of the educational program. Reflexive activity affects the process of continuous development of a specialist not only in the educational environment, but also throughout the entire professional activity with a help of such resources as this service for example , during which the mechanisms of self-development and self-education are activated. Reflection allows students to formulate the results obtained, determine the goals of further work, and adjust their activities.

The formation of students' reflexive activity is a process of understanding by the student of his own educational activity, organized by the teacher, including the comprehension of the content of the mastered skills, the analysis of the subjective sensations of the performed activity, and self-esteem. The result of this process is the awareness of one's own activity, the development of consciously controlled abilities to carry out reflection in relation to various types and areas of one's own activity, the ability to meaningfully carry out professional activities, to assess the prospects and consequences of decisions.

A feature of the formation of students' reflective activity is that it cannot be developed by direct teaching methods or transmitted in the form of information. Formation occurs through various types of incentives and the creation of appropriate conditions.


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