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MongoDB is one of the most popular databases in use today and it is used by many companies and organizations. The MongoDB C100DEV is a certification that ensures that the person has the knowledge and skills required to work with MongoDB effectively. In this article, we will discuss some of the benefits of having this certification.
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We have a movies collection with the following document structure: { _id: ObjectId("573a1390f29313caabcd6223"), genres: [ 'Comedy', 'Drama', 'Family' ], title: 'The Poor Little Rich Girl', released: ISODate("1917-03-05T00:00:00.000Z"), year: 1917, imdb: { rating: 6.9, votes: 884, id: 8443 } } We need to extract all movies from this collection where genres includes both 'Crime' and 'Mystery'. Which query should we use?
Answer: D
You have a developers collection with the following document structure: { id: 1, fname: 'John', lname: 'Smith', techstack: ['sql', 'git', 'python', 'linux', 'django', 'aws'] }, { id: 2, fname: 'Michael', lname: 'Doe', techstack: [ 'git', 'python', 'sqlite', 'linux', 'flask' ] } Which of the following queries will return only the first three elements of the array in the tech_stack field?
Answer: D
We have the following indexes in a movies collection: { _id: 1 } { title: 1, year: 1 } Which of the following queries can be covered by one of the given indexes?
Answer: B
No, this query would use the { title: 1, year: 1 } index, but it is projecting the genres field. https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/query-optimization/#covered-query
Select all true statements about MongoDB documents.
Answer: A,D
A social media company needs to implement a data model that describes te relationships between users. When loading real data into the system, it turned out that one user has too many contacts to store them in the designated array. Instead of redesigning the entire system what pattern can you use?
Answer: C
We provide top quality verified C100DEV certifications preparation material for all the C100DEV exams. Our C100DEV certified experts have curated questions and answers that will be asked in the real exam, and we provide money back guarantee on C100DEV Preparation material. Moreover, we also offer C100DEV desktop practice test software that will help you assess your skills before real MongoDB exams.
C100DEV Examinations Actual Questions: https://www.actualcollection.com/C100DEV-exam-questions.html