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Which IPv4 address is in the same network as the IP address and assignable to a host device?
Answer: D
What is the aggregated lanes' maximum speed rating for a QSFP28 transceiver?
Answer: C
A network administrator created three VLANs on an Ethernet switch. How many broadcast domains are created by the switch?
Answer: A
Which Layer 1 device can be used to enlarge the area covered by a single LAN segment?
Answer: D
You recently joined a company as a junior-level network administrator. You have been tasked with designing the IPv4 scheme for five networks that will be used for training classrooms. These networks need to support no more than 28 devices each. Due to the existing network design, the senior-level network administrator has asked you to work on network
If all networks must be made to logically start with the lowest numbered network and end with the largest numbered network, what is the network ID for the third network?
Answer: B
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