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New CRT-600 Test Notes & Composite Test CRT-600 Price

With the CRT-600 certification exam you can climb up the corporate ladder faster and achieve your professional career objectives. Do you plan to enroll in the Salesforce CRT-600 certification exam? Looking for a simple and quick way to crack the CRT-600 test? If your answer is yes then you need to start Salesforce CRT-600 Test Preparation with Salesforce CRT-600 PDF Questions and practice tests. With the Itexamguide Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I CRT-600 practice test questions you can prepare yourself shortly for the final Salesforce CRT-600 exam.

Salesforce Certified JavaScript Developer I Sample Questions (Q147-Q152):

A team that works on a big project uses npm to deal with projects dependencies.
A developer added a dependency does not get downloaded when they execute npm install.
Which two reasons could be possible explanations for this?
Choose 2 answers

  • A. The developer added the dependency as a dev dependency, and
    Is set to production.
  • B. The developer added the dependency as a dev dependency, and
    NODE_ENV is set to production.
  • C. The developer missed the option --save when adding the dependency.
  • D. The developer missed the option --add when adding the dependency.

Answer: A,B,C
Considering the implications of 'use strict' on line 04, which three statements describe the execution of the code?
Choose 3 answers

  • A. 'use strict' has an effect between line 04 and the end of the file.
  • B. z is equal to 3.14.
  • C. 'use strict' has an effect only on line 05.
  • D. Line 05 throws an error.
  • E. 'use strict' is hoisted, so it has an effect on all lines.

Answer: B,C,D
A developer creates a class that represents a blog post based on the requirement that a Post should have a body author and view count.
The Code shown Below:
Class Post {
// Insert code here
This.body =body = author;
this.viewCount = viewCount;
Which statement should be inserted in the placeholder on line 02 to allow for a variable to be set to a new instanceof a Post with the three attributes correctly populated?

  • A. constructor (body, author, viewCount) {
  • B. super (body, author, viewCount) {
  • C. Function Post (body, author, viewCount) {
  • D. constructor() {

Answer: A
A test has a dependency on database.query. During the test the dependency is replaced with an object called database with the method, query, that returns an array. The developer needs to verify how many times the method was called and the arguments used each time.
Which two test approaches describe the requirement?
Choose 2 answers

  • A. White box
  • B. Integration
  • C. Black box
  • D. Mocking

Answer: A,D
A developer creates a simple webpage with an input field. When a user enters text in the input field and clicks the button, the actual value of the field must be displayed in the console.
Here is the HTML file content:
<input type =" text" value="Hello" name ="input">
<button type ="button" >Display </button>
The developer wrote the javascript code below:
Const button = document.querySelector('button');
button.addEvenListener('click', () => (
Const input = document.querySelector('input');
When the user clicks the button, the output is always "Hello".
What needs to be done make this code work as expected?

  • A. Replace line 02 with button.addEventListener("onclick", function() {
  • B. Replace line 03 with const input = document.getElementByName('input');
  • C. Replace line 02 with button.addCallback("click", function() {
  • D. Replace line 04 with console.log(input .value);

Answer: D
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