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NEW QUESTION 25 The master data for an in-house production process is to be set up in the SAP ECC system. To do this, you should create a suitable routing that plans for five operations in an initial sequence (10, 20, 30, 40, 50). There should be an option of relocating operations 30 and 40 to a second sequence on other work centers if there are capacity bottlenecks. What sequence type would you use to create the second sequence in the system?
Answer: C NEW QUESTION 26 Which of the following activities is necessary for the capacity availability check that can be carried out automatically when a production order is released?
Answer: B NEW QUESTION 27 From what point can you no longer use the Read PP master data in the production order?
Answer: A NEW QUESTION 28 The final assembly of a finished product should only be triggered when a customer order arrives. Which planning strategy for the finished product do you use?
Answer: D NEW QUESTION 29 Your customer tests the firming options for planned orders in SAP ECC using a test material. Therefore, the customer sets a firming date in the stock/requirements list manually. Additionally, the customer sets a planning time fence with firming type 1 in the material master. How is the resulting firming interval specified in this scenario?
Answer: B NEW QUESTION 30 ......