Foren » Discussions » Bring Your Junk To The Dump Vs. Hiring A Junk Removal Company


Some people scoff at the idea of hiring a junk removal company. Why should they hire someone when they can take their own junk to dump?

Most of those people change their tune after spending a day or two driving back and forth from their homes to the junkyard.

Before you decide to take the DIY path, consider why so many individuals and companies choose to hire junk removal companies. In many cases, it's the smart (and even cheaper) thing to do.

1: Taking Junk to the Dump is Hard

Let's assume that you, the non-professional, have a few things that will help you haul junk to the dump. Maybe you have: • a truck with a pretty big bed • a couple teenagers who will work for free (or at least very cheaply) • a dolly to help you move heavy items • durable work gloves so you won't cut your hands Sounds like you are on a pretty good start.

Even with this help, you'll still have a hard time taking things to the dump.

First off, your truck bed probably isn't big enough to carry everything in one load. If it is, then you might not need to hire a junk removal company. It sounds like you have a pretty small job that doesn't need much help. For the vast majority of people who want to remove junk from their properties, though, they will have to make several trips to the junkyard. That's a lot of effort, not to mention fuel for your truck.

Second off, you might convince those teenagers to help you, but, if they're like most kids, they will try to get away with doing as little as possible. That means you have to play foreman. That's not a fun job, especially when you have a lazy crew.

Thirdly, your dolly and truck might help you get items to the junkyard, but they aren't specially designed for the job. Junk removal companies have tools meant for just this type of work.

2: You Don't Save as Much as You Think

At first glance, doing the job on your own probably seems like a good way to save money.

If you take a closer look, you'll see that you probably won't save as much as you first thought.

When you take junk to the dump, you have to pay for: • fuel • landfill fees • feeding those teenagers who are marginally helpful at best Those costs add up quickly.

Now, think about all the time you will spend getting the junk together, loading it in your truck, carefully driving it to the dump, and unloading it at the junkyard. That's a lot of time that you could spend doing other things that you enjoy more than getting your hands dirty.

Homeowners and business owners might also qualify for tax incentives when they hire a junk removal company to do big jobs. Talk to your tax advisor about whether you qualify.

3: Junk Removal Usually Involves Extra Services

Perhaps you think hauling away junk isn't a bad way to spend your Saturday. Do you feel the same about pressure washing areas where the junk had been stored for years? What about removing mold that accumulated behind old junk?

Many junk removal companies are licensed to handle these scenarios. That's good for homeowners because removing mold and various types of decay can cause serious health problems.

It's best to leave those matters to professionals who have been trained to work with hazardous materials safely. They have the training and the equipment that you probably don't have.

There's no point in risking your health just to save such a small amount of money.

4: Junk Removal Companies Get the Job Done Quickly

Every DIY project seems to take twice as long as originally planned. If you think it will take you three hours to haul away some junk, then it will probably take six hours. If you think it will take all day, then it will probably take two days.

Inexperience adds a lot of time to projects of all sizes. Sometimes the DIY approach pays off. In many cases, it doesn't.

Any good junk removal company has enough experience to finish the job quickly. If you want the job finished in one day, the company will pull in extra workers to get it done faster. Of course, the size of the job matters. One thing is certain, though: the professionals can get the job done a lot faster than you and your cheaply hired help.

Lori Sanders was born in Ontario in 1986, sixth of seven children. Born and brought up in Toronto, she was graduated from the University of Western Ontario. Her father was a local social worker and he has been serving people in many social works. Like her father, Lori is also interested in social works such as garbage management services and she has spent almost two years doing MSW in Counseling. For more information, catch her on Twitter.


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