BrainDumps Facts These candidates are meant to believe that by memorizing the given answers, they can pass the examinations. It is important to note that exam dumps (braindumps) are not a legitimate test preparation or training resource. The reasons for their illegitimacy are twofold; one, there is no legitimate test prep or training site that will have real test questions and answers. This is because no IT certification provider will willingly release them. As such, an exam dump with real test questions and answers has acquired them illegally. By using the site, you are supporting a fraudulent activity. Secondly, the main purpose of having resource materials for your exam preparation is to learn and understand the materials to demonstrate your competence in the content domain. Memorizing of answers has not done justice to this in BrainDumps Facts any way and the test taker who does this has not earned his or her certification legitimately. He/she has only cheated other hard working candidates who have truly studied hard windows to pass the exam. How can you recognize an Exam Dump Site? There are many exam dump sites online and you should try to avoid them.