Foren » Discussions » Biden's new U.S. Trade Representative Catherine Tai is someone who really knows every corner of China.



Biden's new U.S. Tradeโหลดสล็อตxoRepresentative Catherine Tai is someone who really knows every corner of China.

Katherine Tai, who was nominated as "US Trade Representative" (US Trade Representative) to testify on Thursday (February 25) while the Senate Finance Committee. is on the agenda for approval for her to take office Katherine Tai, who was nominated as "US Trade Representative" (US Trade Representative) to testify on Thursday (February 25) while the Senate Finance Committee. is on the agenda for approval for her to take office

Katherine Tai will rely on her fluent skills to speak Mandarin. and family roots who are immigrants from the mainland To be useful in the trade talks that the US will do with China in the future.

Katherine Tai with her Asian appearance including her last name It has caught the eye with a lot of interest and curiosity especially in China. Joe Biden later nominated the 47-year-old trade lawyer as a trade advisor and The main trade negotiator in his administration.

If the American Senate resolves to endorse her in office The new "US Trade Representative" Tai will also be at the forefront of managing the U.S. trade relationship with China. and has the potential to reshape the framework of this relationship. After President Donald Trump, who stepped down from power in mid-January, has launched a trade war and a tech attack on Beijing

From Tai's common family roots, including her birth shortly after her family immigrated to the United States, her graduation from America's elite university, and her rise. become more prominent through working among the Democratic Auxiliaries These are propaganda tales about making The “American Dream” became a reality.

After spending time sharpening her teeth with several law firms in Washington, Tai, who holds a bachelor's degree in history from Yale University. and continued with a law degree from the Faculty of Law. Harvard University He joined the US Trade Representative's office in 2007, when it was President George W. Bush and US Trade Representative Susan Schwab.