Foren » Discussions » AZ-104 Exam Questions: All 57 Topics


AZ-104 Dumps If you've got got greater than sixty, you'll possibly have 8-5 mins to reply all of the questions. The overall rating at the examination will upload as much as 1,000. So, your rating may be someplace from zero to 1,000 irrespective of what number of questions you get at the examination. A passing rating at the AZ-104 examination is seven hundred. DUMPSBOSS AZ-104 There are 8 fundamental classes you could assume to look at the AZ-104 check. Here are how the sections of the examination are damaged up: App Hosting – net apps, cellular apps, API apps, capabilities, notification hubs, cloud offerings thru apps, carrier fabric, media offerings, content material shipping community, and media analytics Artificial Intelligence – cognitive offerings, bot offerings, and Azure ML studio Cloud Storage. Azure AD join fitness, AD privileged identification control, AZ-104 Exam Dumps area offerings, backup, Azure reveal, import export, Azure web website online recovery, blob, queues, documents, and disks Compute Services – field offerings, Azure batch, VM scale sets, devtest lab, digital machines, and packing containers and Azure Kubernetes Integration – API control, Azure good judgment apps, and carrier bus Internet of Things – HDInsight, system gaining knowledge of, move analytics, records catalog, records lake analytics carrier, records lake garage, IoT hub, occasion hubs, records factory, and Power BI Embedded Networking – digital community, load balancer, DNS, explicit route, visitors supervisor, VPN gateway, and app gateway Security

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