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In Ayurvedic Hair Fall Treatment, the texture of your hair will depend on the imbalance in your Constitution. Therefore, it is important for you to know nature and balance/imbalance in your Constitution to come up with a measure. For example

If you show an imbalance in the symptoms of vaata dosha, your hair can be extremely dry, curly and brittle. Normal vata hair is dry and brittle.

If you show imbalance in the symptoms of bile defects, your hair is likely to have decreasing lines and a thin texture in your hair. The colour changes due to heat in the skull. For example, if your hair is not brown normally, your hair may be brown. This can lead to whitening of hair and baldness. Normal bile hair is thin and can be brown.

If you show an imbalance in the symptoms of phlegm defect, you are likely to have highly oily and sticky hair. This can cause blocks in the follicles of your scalp. This leads to hair loss. Normal phlegm hair is thick.

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In every case, toxins need to be removed from your system, whether you know the reason or not. So the poisoning is of the essence.

In vaidya tapesh website you will get Ayurvedic Hair Fall Treatment as well as hair fall ayurvedic medicine just visit site: