What's more, part of that BootcampPDF AWS-Certified-Developer-Associate dumps now are free: https://drive.google.com/open?id=16gBF9-0DTIfLF7e4PXKaSeL4InJPokYA Our Amazon AWS-Certified-Developer-Associate Practice Materials are compiled by first-rank experts and AWS-Certified-Developer-Associate Study Guide offer whole package of considerate services and accessible content. Furthermore, AWS Certified Developer - Associate AWS-Certified-Developer-Associate Actual Test improves our efficiency in different aspects. Having a good command of professional knowledge will do a great help to your life.
The format of DVA-C01 is similar to other AWS exams. The questions appear in the form of multiple-choice and multiple response items, and the candidates are given 130 minutes to answer them. MCQs have only one correct option while the multiple response tasks have more than 1 right answer out of 5 or more options. To register for the test, one needs to pay $150 as a fee and this price might vary from country to country. The exam comes in different languages like English, Korean, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese. The curriculum of the test includes 5 topics such as deployment, security, refactoring, development with AWS services, and monitoring and troubleshooting. >> AWS-Certified-Developer-Associate Reliable Exam Topics <<
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An organization has created multiple components of a single application for compartmentalization. Currently all the components are hosted on a single EC2 instance. Due to security reasons the organization wants to implement two separate SSLs for the separate modules although it is already using VPC. How can the organization achieve this with a single instance?
Answer: C
A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a virtual network dedicated to the user's AWS account. It enables the user to launch AWS resources into a virtual network that the user has defined. With VPC the user can specify multiple private IP addresses for his instances. The number of network interfaces and private IP addresses that a user can specify for an instance depends on the instance type. With each network interface the organization can assign an EIP. This scenario helps when the user wants to host multiple websites on a single EC2 instance by using multiple SSL certificates on a single server and associating each certificate with a specific EIP address. It also helps in scenarios for operating network appliances, such as firewalls or load balancers that have multiple private IP addresses for each network interface.
A Developer migrated a web application to AWS. As part of the migration, the Developer implemented an automated continuous integration/continuous improvement (CI/CD) process using a blue/green deployment. The deployment provisions new Amazon EC2 instances in an Auto Scaling group behind a new Application Load Balancer. After the migration was completed, the Developer began receiving complaints from users getting booted out of the system. The system also requires users to log in after every new deployment.
How can these issues be resolved?
Answer: D
A Developer has written a serverless application using multiple AWS services. The business logic is written as a Lambda function which has dependencies on third-party libraries. The Lambda function endpoints will be exposed using Amazon API Gateway. The Lambda function will write the information to Amazon DynamoDB.
The Developer is ready to deploy the application but must have the ability to rollback. How can this deployment be automated, based on these requirements?
Answer: C
Refer AWS documentation - SAM Gradual Code Deployment
If you use AWS SAM to create your serverless application, it comes built-in with AWS CodeDeploy to help ensure safe Lambda deployments. With just a few lines of configuration, AWS SAM does the following for you:
Deploys new versions of your Lambda function, and automatically creates aliases that point to the new version.
Gradually shifts customer traffic to the new version until you're satisfied that it's working as expected, or you roll back the update.
Defines pre-traffic and post-traffic test functions to verify that the newly deployed code is configured correctly and your application operates as expected.
Rolls back the deployment if CloudWatch alarms are triggered.
A developer is writing a web application that must share secure documents with end users The documents are stored in a private Amazon S3 bucket The application must allow only authenticated users to download specific documents when requested, and only for a duration of 15 minutes How can the developer meet these requirements?
Answer: C
A company is expanding the compatibility of its photo-sharing mobile app to hundreds of additional devices with unique screen dimensions and resolutions. Ph are stored in Amazon S3 in their original format and resolution. The company uses an Amazon CloudFront distribution to serve the photos. The app includes th dimension and resolution of the display as GET parameters with every request.
A developer needs to implement a solution that optimizes the photos that are served to each device to reduce load time and increase photo quality.
Which solution will meet these requirements MOST cost-effectively?
Answer: B
This solution will meet the requirements most cost-effectively because it allows the developer to use a [email protected] function to optimize the photos on the fly, without the need to pre-generate multiple variants of the photos for different devices. This approach can reduce the overall storage and compute costs associated with generating and storing multiple photo variants. Additionally, changing the CloudFront TTL cache policy to the maximum value possible can help reduce the number of times the [email protected] function needs to be executed, further reducing the cost.
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